About Us

A little about our approach...

Here at Feelgr8 we practice a holistic approach to medicine. This means that we look at every aspect of YOU. Your lifestyle, stress, sleeping habits, diet, physical assessment, medical  and family history.  This allows us to investigate the overarching and often hidden cause or causes of your health condition or symptoms for us to create an individualised action plan. It is specifically about YOU, YOUR health, and how YOU can feel better and enjoy life.

During your initial consultation, we will discuss many facets of your life and may also conduct some simple observational screening tests. We will gather all the crucial information about your health concerns and health goals, what is going on in your body, and how it is reacting to your diet and lifestyle choices. This gives us a starting point from which we can monitor your progress, and allows us to develop a bio-specific treatment plan to offer you the results you desire.

Helen Ooi our Nutritional Medicine Practitioner BHSc (Nut Med)

From an early age, Helen was exposed to the optimal health that can be experienced by living simply. This grew to become a passion for holistic health when she became a mother (now a mother of five!) as she wanted her own children to experience excellent health. For 17 years now, Helen has operated her own business in the health industry and has since built a wealth of knowledge. Having successfully completed a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine, Helen passionately continues to build her expertise. Helen’s passion for educating and empowering others to take control of their health and wellbeing is both tangible, and inspiring.