Nutritional Medicine

90 min personalized initial consultation - $130 This can be on-site or online.

At  your initial consultation we will look at every aspect of YOU. Your lifestyle, stress, sleeping habits, diet, physical assessment, pharmaceutical intake, medical and family history. This will enable us to come up with a tailored treatment plan including dietary, lifestyle and supplementation specific for you.

 Dietary and lifestyle choices can not only prevent disease but can also improve negative symptoms of disease. Knowing how to eat for optimal energy; digestive complaints; hormonal imbalance; clear skin; maintaining a healthy weight; anxiety; depression; insomnia; stress;  infertility; allergies; autoimmune conditions; muskuloskeletal conditions; pregnancy; overcoming existing poor health and many more things we can help with.

  Learning how to make the best food choices can be one of the most valuable and empowering lessons for a healthy life.

nuts and seeds

Nutritional Medicine

45 min return consultation $85

We really love to get your health on track and this can take time so we need to see you regularly until we have achieved your health goals.


Nutritional Medicine

20 min acute return consultation - $40

We understand sometimes you have an acute situation that may need dealing with in a hurry. This consultation is especially for these situations for existing patients.